Sunday, May 5, 2013

Thank You, Barney Frank

From our friends at Capitol Hill Cubans

Last night, the Equality Forum honored Cuban dictator's daughter, Mariela Castro, for her work with LGBTs.

In the same ceremony, it honored former U.S. Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA).
Fortunately, former Rep. Frank minced no words regarding the Castro family's dictatorship.

From The Philadelphia Inquirer:

Speaking before the Equality Forum's dinner Saturday night, former Rep. Barney Frank (D., Mass.), who was also honored by the group, said that he applauded Mariela Castro for her work to expand LGBT civil rights, but that he would "differ with her very sharply" if she embraced the political repression of her father and uncle, whom he said were "among the great betrayers of liberalism and human rights."

"I'm glad that they're lessening the repression of gay and lesbian people, but no, I certainly don't think that people should say, 'OK, well, that's all you have to do,'" he said.

Sadly, Congressman Frank, Mariela not only espouses -- but publicly defends -- her family's political repression.

She even refers to dissidents as "despicable parasites."

Thus, it's hard to understand why the State Department would reward her with a U.S. visa -- an insult to all those whom her family represses.

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